
fashion earrings 2012 Shenzhen International Jewellery Show Week Daikin portability carat diamond de

Related articles: September 14, the opening ceremony of the 2012 Shenzhen
International Jewellery Show was held at the Shenzhen Conven
tion and Exhibition Center, the mainland's largest annual Je
welry Show opened. Compared with previous years, The Jewelle
ry Show lineup is more powerful and gorgeous, each company s
howed itself in full editing software, can be described as t
he flowers contend. 550) {this,fashion earrings.width = 550} 'alt = ; hei
ght: 333px; to obtain a high degree of concern. 550) {th
is.width = 550} 'alt = ; height: 333px; and an important cha
nnel of promotion from the beginning of 2000, they insist to
continue to participate in the exhibition, and was impresse
d by its noble, elegant brand image to visitors. 2012 coinci
des with the week of Daikin jewelry brand upgrade and transf
ormation stage again, The Jewellery Show was also found to e
xhibit unique characteristics, and promote the upgrading and
development of weeks Daikin brand. new brand image weeks
Daikin in the Shenzhen International Jewellery Show on a maj
or feature. 2012, weeks Daikin sales showroom newly renovate
d, is presented to the customer a new brand image, ornate de
corative crystal lamp elegant as a royal, but do not lose th
e connotation, with a high degree of unity of the Week Daiki
n flagship store image. The Jewellery Show Week Daikin brand
chain's image of the terminal moved to show the the unified
image deeply implanted visitors hearts. The beautiful elega
nt jewelery weeks Daikin jewelry spokesperson large synchro
nous rendering, Alyssa Chia its profound professional qualit
y effort to interpretation the Chow Tai Jin Gaogui, elegant
brand image, triggering numerous onlookers appreciation.
550) {this.width = 550} 'alt = ; height: 333px; Weeks Daiki
n carry large amounts of fine jewelry debut The Jewellery Sh
ow, one of the most eye-catching is a 5-carat diamond ring w
eighing 3 carat diamond necklace, attended the signing cerem
ony and the celebration of the 10th anniversary of by spokes
men portrait recommend wearing Dinner, incomparable shine.
Other diamond jewelry also emerged in a luxurious atmosphere
, shining in the window. Diamond bracelet series also exhibi
ted Philharmonic Hour the apron, Shenzhen, Nepal Industrial
Development Limited (Daikin) URL:

