
fashion earrings 2012 Shenzhen International Jewelry Show whipped Shenzhen brand whirlwind 2012 Shen

Related articles: as jewelry exhibition industry The exhibition site jewel
ry bright, sparkling gold, scene of the scene, so that tens
of thousands of buyers and visitors from home and abroad fee
l a dazzling delightful visual feast. to participate in th
is session of jewelry event,fashion earrings, the reporter found that differe
nt jewelers not only have to bring the latest, most unique p
roducts, but also generous build powerful gas field showroom
. Especially as a Such a high-profile and the inputs of the
large amount of money, so that the public feel the the Shenz
hen jewelry enterprises to publicize the brand to promote th
e brand's intentions and ambitions. blowing Shenzhen brand
whirlwind each company from the current Jewellery Show fu
ll debut can be seen, the 2012 Shenzhen Jewellery Show lineu
p than ever, more powerful and gorgeous : ; appeared one by
one in the exhibition hall. The different features , powerf
ul gas field Hall became a jewelry exhibition Scenery, many
of whom are more than one bright spot of the jewelry enterpr
ises in Shenzhen. Weeks Daikin, unveiled a new brand image t
he its terminal brand image of the chain completely moved to
the show. addition, Jewellery Show in Basel, Switzerland,
China's first brand top Pavilion, Permanent TTF, the curren
t Shenzhen Jewellery Show ingenuity - of nov named its chair
man of the board design agencies carrying a number of gorgeo
us jewelry appeared concentrated expression of the latest de
sign and high-end jewelry craftsmanship. As Chinese gold inv
estment several hundred million dollars, but also from Italy
, especially the introduction of the value of thirty million
platinum diamond Artworks - deep enterprises strengthen b
rand influence It can be said that this is the first view
of the vast majority of members of the public visit Jeweller
y Show. Jewelry brand Pavilion assortment of jewelry product
s also allow consumers time and difficult to digest, but the
brand's focus on appearance, or harvest to market effects.
allow more consumers to understand, in the the terminal ma
rketing brand, no doubt is a fair the many jewelers unified
move. In the industry, and some jeweler brand trends in this
session Jewellery Show was very clear: The many jewelry bra
nd contract the Movie Star at home and abroad as a Brand Amb
assador enhance brand image and expand market awareness. Suc
h as the Kyrgyzstan League jewelry signing Pace Wu, Taiwan's
movie star, gold leaf jewelry signing film and television s
tar Yang Mi, Chinese gold contract film star Liu Yifei and o
ther. Many exhibitors agreed that the joining of numerous fi
lm and television star, will enhance the overall the Shenzhe
n jewelry brand awareness, to further accelerate the develop
ment of Shenzhen jewelry brand. not only in this show, jew
elry enterprises in Shenzhen in the day-to-day business prom
otion also continue to increase innovation, design, creative
, international promotion and even processing and technology
field, are not less a style all their own, and achieved pos
itive results. It can be said, both inside and outside of th
e jewelry exhibition, the Shenzhen jewelry enterprises play
an increasingly large influence. outstanding jewelry enter
prises in Shenzhen in recent years, many industry insiders b
elieve, prominent jewelery brand in Shenzhen, not a moment o
f inspiration for creativity, nor overconfident whitewash, b
ut the jewelry industry in Shenzhen an urgent need to upgrad
e the existing position, to fight for the actual requirement
s of a broader space for development. As we all know, Shen
zhen is the country's largest gold jewelry production and pr
ocessing base and trade center, has the reputation of The ma
ny jewelry enterprises in Shenzhen to prop up the brilliant
achievements of the gold jewelry industry: continuous mainta
in an average annual compound growth rate of more than 30% i
n 2078, industry-wide flow of funds each year up to 2000-300
0 billion procurement of raw materials accounted for 70% of
the national total more than the annual GDP of close to one
hundred billion yuan. The the booming Shenzhen jewelry indus
try has undoubtedly cohesion lot of popularity and good repu
tation, attracted merchants from all over the world to the S
henzhen procurement, but also promote the development of the
jewelry enterprises in Shenzhen. much-needed restructurin
g and upgrading breakthrough containment brand missing emb
arrassment. Shenzhen gold jewelry industry association offic
ial said, the jewelry industry has shifted from price compet
ition in the primary stage of war brand warfare, the Shenzhe
n enterprises must adjust the product structure and brand st
rategy for winning the competition is becoming increasingly
fierce brand jewelry industry war increased the chips. rep
orter learned that gold jewelry enterprises in Shenzhen rapi
d development since the opening up of the golden state monop
oly for purchase after just a few years, its own brand of je
welry enterprises mushroomed come up. As of the end of 2011,
Shenzhen registered jewelry business over 2300, its own bra
nd of 2400 more than 2,100 jewelry self households. A Shen
zhen jeweler pointed out, this is mainly because many jewelr
y enterprises in Shenzhen to produce for a long time, the br
and very short time, from experience, the accumulation of br
ands, product promotion, inevitably there are a variety of d
eficiencies. Insiders pointed out that, with the brand and
the large-scale entry of foreign brands in Hong Kong, Shenz
hen, brands must as soon as possible formations, to strike o
ut in the R & D design, brand building and image promotion.

